Thursday 13th February, 2025

Article Index

Our mandate is as follows:

    1. To help improve the access to regional and international medical care for children of St. Kitts and Nevis. Assist with the costs associated with getting the child the immediate care they require (medical costs, travel & accommodation costs, living stipends if required).
    2. To help improve the quality of life for children of St. Kitts and Nevis who suffer with chronic and/or long term medical challenges. Assist with costs associated with getting the child the tools, equipment and resources to improve their daily life.
    3. To help improve and raise the quality and standard of medical care for children of the Federation available in St. Kitts and Nevis. Assist with the costs associated with essential equipment required for the Pediatrics Ward at the Joseph N. France Hospital (St.Kitts) and the Alexandria Hospital (Nevis) as well as ongoing training and education for the medical caregivers in St. Kitts and Nevis.

In addition to the financial assistance we offer for medical costs, we are a support system for the families themselves. In some cases, the urgent need to travel overseas for medical attention may be the individual’s first time traveling outside of St. Kitts and Nevis. When required and/or requested, we provide further assistance to the family in a range of areas from as simple as providing winter clothing donations to cost associated with travel for visa applications and to organizing accommodations bookings or emotional support.

All funds raised by PALS are paid directly to suppliers, be it medical institutions, airlines, hotels or other institutions. In some cases, we may provide a daily or weekly stipend to assist with the cost of food and other living expenses but this is based on the level of need and on a case by case basis. It is our expectation that the immediate and extended family contributes to the financial expenses and that PALS is not the sole contributor. Therefore, donations to the Pediatrics Assistance League of St. Kitts and Nevis can make an extraordinarily big difference in a sick child’s life.

In 2012, Nova Mallalieu officially retired as President and then in 2013 Mrs. Fish due to time and health constraints also retired for her from position as Treasurer but continue to act as an advisor and donor to the organization.