Tuesday 22nd October, 2024

The Pediatrics Assistance League of St. Kitts and Nevis (PALS) is a non-profit organization committed to providing better access to essentially needed medical treatment and health care to the children of St. Kitts & Nevis.

"PALS works on the belief that financial circumstances shouldn’t dictate whether a child has access to medical care."

PALS work very closely with the Head of Pediatrics at JNF Hospital, the Chief Medical Officer and the Department of Social Services along with other key members and organizations in the community. We believe that our strength as a non-profit organization comes from these ties with key institutions within the Federation. We are neither medical doctors nor social workers so we rely on the expertise and experience of those key pillars within the Federation to guide us through our selection process.

We recognize that when families are referred to us for financial medical assistance, they areexperiencing something overwhelmingly unfamiliar and frightening. Sadly in many cases, the family has limited financial resources and no health insurance. The added fear of high medical costs shouldn’t stop them from seeking the essential care their child requires, but it does and this is where PALS seeks to make a difference. And because of this, PALS works on the belief that financial circumstances shouldn’t dictate whether a child has access to medical care.